STICKY-ICKY PINE Premium Bleach Additive is a premium additive designed for the soft wash process. It is particularly effective in the cleaning of organic stains from mold, bacteria, mildew and algae. Strong pine fragrance masks the strongest bleach odors. High quality blend of surfactants and builders delivers powerful cleaning action. A proprietary catalyst interacts with bleach and enables enhanced cleaning at a lower concentration level. Thick foam is generated for vertical cling. Sticky-icky Pine encourages superior rinsability, eliminating post-wash window clarity issues. All in super concentrated form for maximum freight savings and durability.
STICKY-ICKY PINE is 100% bleach stable for use in bleach batching and storage, proportioning systems, or downstream injection systems. Contains only biodegradable surfactants and detergents for minimal impact to the environment. For the most premium bleach additive on the market today, look no further than Sticky-icky Pine.
Directions- Begin by using as little as 1/4 oz. per gallon of bleach + water mix. Dial up product concentration to no more than 3 oz. per gallon for the strongest effect (foam generation, odor masking, detergency.) Use more concentrated for roof work and less concentrated for other exterior surfaces such as vinyl siding, awnings, and stucco.